One day, I ran out of gas and cash! So I tried to cook the old fashioned way - using charcoal and unused wood cuttings. I must admit that the exercise turned out to be quite a humbling experience.
For some time I have been guilty of being used to convenient and fast cooking methods - like gas ranges, electric stoves, microwave ovens, and other electrical conveniences which require little physical exertion simply because all that is needed is plug them in or switch them on.
The cooking activity turned out to be taxing and took more than twice the time it normally does when cooking on gas or electric stoves. I had to run in and out of the kitchen because the make -shift cooking stove was set-up outside. I felt I spent the whole morning waiting for the rice to cook (Okay, an exaggeration). Now if you are wondering why there is no mention of an electric rice cooker, it is because I have none. I ditched it so I can save on electricity bill.
Cooking the sud-an was worse. It took a lot of fanning and some puffing to create enough heat. And it seemed like - I am again waiting forever for the whole thing to boil and cook. And because I was not adept in making a good fire, I was constantly enveloped by smoke. I thought it was a miracle I survived suffocation.