Sunday, August 02, 2015

Tokyo Table In City Time Square Mandaue

For sometime I have been meaning to try Tokyo Table, but it was only last July that I got to do it.  And so with much anticipation, we visited it one beautiful Sunday afternoon.  I thought we could make it by lunch but it was already around 1:30 pm when we arrived and it turned out that Tokyo Table will be closing at 2:00 pm. I should have turned around but we were already at their door and were quite famished already, so we decided to stay.

The Good:

It's true, there is indeed a wide array of choices from Filipino and Chinese favorites, Japanese favorites, and perhaps some Korean... There is a Salad Bar, and the desserts are the best! You can go back over and and over again until you are fully stuffed and couldn't find space in your tummy. Even the softdrinks are unlimited! What can beat that!

The Not-So-Good:

It's a bit expensive at Php 840 per person.  Come early for lunch so you will be able to enjoy your meal (Lunch is between 11:30 am- 2:00 pm).  It's not exactly as super delicious as I have imagined. But don't mind me, perhaps I expected too much.

Nevertheless, me and my sis still found the steep prices worth it in terms of the variety of food available...


Entrance to the Dining Area

Interior of the restaurant

Ingredients  for Grilling

Salad Bar

Japanese Section

More of the Japanese Section

Soup and Rice Section

Decor Above the Buffet Table

All Time Filipino Favorites Section

A Wide Array Of  Dessert Choices

Grilling at our Table

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