Saturday, October 04, 2014

10 Dove Street - Oakridge Park

I think word of mouth is more potent an ad than either prints or even the king of media - the TV. And anybody can get suck in by all the whispers going around something. So I got to read the ohhs and ahhs about 10 Dove Street, and I really got curious about the place. But I never got the chance to investigate what the hush is all about.

So one rainy Saturday afternoon (the clouds were really dark, and the rain drops were as big as my fingers), we decided to forego a trip to downtown area, and instead make a side trip to Oakridge Park (we were passing by it anyway). I heard there is a new branch in there. And there it was...

It was quite small inside, it looks more like a coffee shop than a restaurant. But they do serve a full meal.

What they lack in space they make it up with their meals... Consist of Soup, followed by Salad, then Sandwich, or one can choose Entree without salad, and last but not the least dessert...

So my sister and I had soup each. Mine here below is Crab and Corn Bisque. Okay, I am not familiar on the kinds of soups. And I am not a big fan either. Surprisingly, I enjoyed my soup. Unknowingly I got full after I consumed my soup (I'm sorry I was quite hungry!).

My sister had Fandango Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette. It was delicious! And I thought it was only The Suite Room who has the best salad vinaigrette...

I had Tuna Putanesca. It was what I envisioned and my expectations were met... Sadly when I was halfway, I felt quite full already, I realized I have no more space in my tummy for the dessert.

The same goes for Kit (my sis). After her soup and her salad, she got to eat half only of her sandwich. And yes, she had no room for her cake too.

We couldn't leave our lonely cake there, so we have to bring it home together with Kit's uneaten sandwich...

It was still raining hard when we left 10 Dove Street. And we got stuck in a heavy traffic. But no rain or traffic can dampen a full tummy...

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