Sunday, August 31, 2008

It's Been Quite Awhile...

It's been quite a while...

I missed tinkering, surfing other pages, reading reactions... but sadly I don't have the luxury of time anymore. Many other concerns are vying for my attention and most got it right - my time.

My internet connection was also another cause of my misery. I could rant like someone crazy till the end of time, but (sigh!) what's the use? Globelines will never care! So I just have to grit my teeth and suffer when the connection goes bad, and patiently wait for years before their technicians will arrive to look into our problem...

We're also tight on the budget right now and perhaps like the rest of the nation are feeling the pinch of the rising prices of commodities. I began thinking of getting additional projects, unfortunately have not found success yet. My brother who had just returned from a job in Taiwan, has began searching and applying for some jobs in the Middle East. I think that he may have some better chances of bagging a job. And although he is trying hard to pretend to be nonchalant about it, I guess that he is secretly looking forward to a call and perhaps some fat contract. Fat contract? Fat chance! Oh well, only time can tell...There are multitudes of Pinoys running to the Middle East for better job prospects. Some became successful, but some... well only time can tell. I'll just wish my brother good luck and will give him my prayers...

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