Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kawasan Falls

A friend of my sister who is now based in Michigan decided to come home for vacation. Went on a journey retracing life while still here in Cebu. This will chronicle some of the places visited...

Mission Destination: Kawasan Falls

Okay okay, I know everybody has been there at some point in their youth. But let's just take another trek down memory lane... Remember this path?

At this point, the breeze is now a bit cooler and one could already hear lots of chirping birds singing their songs!

Wow! The water here runs cool and soothing on somebody's hot and dusty feet...

This part here one could hear already the sounds of the falls... but could not see it yet... anyway the river looks picture perfect.

Lo and behold! The prize at the end of the trek - the falls...

Unfortunately, look - human invasion ruins the scene for me. Forgive me but I believe that some places should be left raw and pristine, and natural as possible so that the next generations will be able to enjoy them like we do now...

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